Join in on the conversation at the next Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group Meeting.

Date: November 4, 2024 

Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm; lunch to follow

La Pesca Lodge
1103 E Farm to Market 628
Riviera, TX 78379

Please note that this meeting will be held in person only. Meeting minutes will be shared with the Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group mailing list following the event. You are welcome to submit any questions or concerns related to Baffin Bay and the Upper Laguna Madre at any time.”
Please contact Watershed Coordinator, Athena Frasca [[email protected] or (361) 825 –2129 with questions or accessibility concerns.

Why does Baffin Bay matter?

Baffin Bay is considered one of the jewels of the Texas coast because of its tremendous fishing and recreation potential, as well as its positive economic impact on the surrounding communities and the State of Texas. The bay system supports some of the highest recreational and commercial fishery landings in the State and contains critical habitat for migratory/resident birds and other wildlife.

The Baffin Bay watershed is primarily rural with ranching and row-crop agriculture as predominant activities and contains three tributaries: Petronila, San Fernando, & Los Olmos creeks. The rural lands of the Baffin Bay Watershed also play an important economic role within the State of Texas. Agricultural and ranch lands produce food and fiber (one of the most important industries within Texas), host diverse wildlife, and provide clean, abundant water.

what are the concerns about the health of the bay?

Water quality degradation is a serious problem that is negatively affecting the health of the Baffin Bay ecosystem. Ongoing monitoring and research have determined that pollution coming from the 1.5 million acres of land around the bay is responsible for the water quality degradation. Protection of water quality in Baffin Bay and its watershed is imperative for ensuring that this bay system can support a healthy fishery and sustain the local economy that depends on a thriving bay.

Learn more about the challenges facing Baffin Bay.

what is being done to address issues?

Local stakeholders have a strong interest in protecting Baffin Bay and its watershed. In 2018, the Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group was formed to better understand the water quality issues in Baffin Bay and to develop collaborative solutions for addressing those issues. 

Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group

The Stakeholder group is currently led and facilitated by representatives from the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program (CBBEP) and the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies (HRI), and includes researchers, commercial and recreational fisherman, landowners, ranchers, business owners, representatives from state and local agencies, conservation organizations, and other interested stakeholders.   

The Stakeholder group collaborated with state officials to create a science-based Watershed Protection Plan (WPP), which was reviewed and accepted by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March 2023. The WPP outlines a strategy to implement management measures that will reduce nonpoint source pollution into the watershed and ultimately Baffin Bay. The Baffin Bay Stakeholder group continues to be involved in implementing the WPP through restoration, outreach, and education efforts in the Bay and watershed.

Link to official Watershed Protection Plan:

Get Involved

For more information or to join the mailing list, contact Baffin Bay Watershed Coordinator, Athena Frasca at  [email protected] or (361) 825-2129