On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (P.L. 117-58), known as the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021” (IIJA). The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) specifically identifies the National Estuary Program (NEP) as key partners for implementation and provides $132 million for the 28 longstanding National Estuary Programs (NEPs) for fiscal years 2022 through 2026.
Do your project needs meet the criteria for BIL Funding?
projects implemented through BIL must:
project must accomplish at least one of the following:
Do you have a project idea that meets these criteria?
If you have a project idea that meets BIL priorities, submit your proposal below!
*Executive Order 14008 uses the phrase “disadvantaged communities,” and this term has been used in existing Federal and state programs to prioritize funding for environmental justice. Some community members and advocates prefer alternative terminology, and specifically the use of “overburdened and underserved communities.” Until subsequent guidance can address the question of the most appropriate terminology, this memorandum relies on the language used in Executive Order 14008.