Packery Flats Clean Up

January 11th, 2024 – 9AM – 12PM

Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program will be cleaning trash and harmful debris from the tidal flats and marsh habitats along two miles of Highway 361, from the Packery Channel bridge to the Kates Hole Access Parking Lot.

We will require registration. On the day of the clean up, you will drive through to pick up a bag of clean up supplies and instructions on where to go clean, and where to leave your trash. The drive through pick up location will be located at the main Packery Flats Parking Lot, on the west side of Hwy 361 about 1 mile north of Zahn Rd. Each clean up bag will contain litter bags, gloves, and swag!

For questions contact Quinn Hendrick at [email protected].