Flour Bluff ISD Invasive Species Removal | March, 2025 | 2405 | CBBEP-188 |
Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of October 2023-December 2024 Data | March, 2025 | 2405 | CBBEP-187 |
Occurrence, Distribution and Composition of Microplastics in Bays and Estuaries of the Texas Coastal Bend | February, 2025 | 2431 | CBBEP-186 |
Climate Change Risk Based Adaptation Plan | November, 2024 | | |
Nutrient Sampling in Petronilla Creek | August, 2024 | 2433 | CBBEP-185 |
Use of Historic Data to Asses Climate Change Effects: Nueces Delta | August, 2024 | 2425 | CBBEP-184 |
Rincon Delta Monitoring Final Report | August, 2024 | 2411 | CBBEP-183 |
2024 Final Seagrass Report | June, 2024 | 2430 | CBBEP-182 |
Boca Chica shorebird nests losses | June, 2024 | | CBBEP-181 |
Evaluating the chemical levels in soil, groundwater, bay water, bay sediment, and oyster tissue in the Port Bay region | February, 2024 | 2332 | CBBEP-180 |
Nueces Delta Environmental Monitoring Project | August, 2023 | 2311 | CBBEP-179 |
Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-September 2023 Data | November, 2023 | 2305 | CBBEP-178 |
Assessment of Water Quality in a Model Coastal Bend Canal Community Quality | December, 2023 | 2236 | CBBEP-177 |
Impact of the 2021 freeze event on Baffin Bay water quality | September, 2022 | 2206 | CBBEP-176 |
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Nueces, Corpus Christi and Oso Bays | August, 2023 | 2205 | CBBEP-175 |
Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-May | September, 2022 | 2205 | CBBEP-174 |
Expansion of Pro-Active Monitoring Capacity for Harmful Algal Blooms | March, 2024 | 2304 | CBBEP-173 |
Waldron Park Pond Improvements | February, 2024 | 2418 | CBBEP-172 |
Refugio County Boat Ramp Area Improvements | February, 2024 | 2319 | CBBEP-171 |
Violet Andrews Park Shoreline Improvements | February, 2024 | 2315 | CBBEP-170 |
Rookery Island Productivity for Priority Waterbird Species Final Report | February, 2024 | 2303 | CBBEP-169 |
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program and Coastal Bend Bays Foundation Community Outreach Partnership | December, 2023 | 2308 | CBBEP-168 |
The State of Texas Wetlands A Review of Current and Future Challenges | December, 2023 | | |
Planktonic Larval Fin & Shellfish Ingress & Vertical Distribution in the Aransas Pass Inlet System | August 31, 2023 | 2125 | CBBEP-167 |
Suter Park, Lakeview Park, West Guth Park - Interpretative Signage- Final Report | September 1, 2023 | 2317 | CBBEP-166 |
Baffin Bay Watershed Model - Final Report | September 1, 2023 | 2328 | CBBEP-165 |
Nueces Bay Demonstration/Restoration Oyster Reef Project Final Report | September 1, 2023 | 1923 | CBBEP-164 |
Final Report Relative Sea Level Rise and Habitat Assessment in the Nueces Delta | August 31, 2023 | 2321 | CBBEP-163 |
2023 Final Report for Long-Term Seagrass Monitoring Program for Corpus Christi Bay, Upper Laguna Madre, and Baffin Bay | August 1, 2023 | 2330 | CBBEP-162 |
Evaluating Potential Contamination in Port Bay - Interim Report | April 1, 2023 | 2332 | CBBEP-161 |
Development, verification, and implementation of an eDNA detection assay for diamondback terrapins in the Texas Coastal Bend | March 1, 2023 | 2126 | CBBEP-160 |
Influence of Extreme Cold Air Outbreak on Food Web Dynamics in Baffin Bay | December 1, 2022 | 2228 | CBBEP-159 |
Supporting Conservation of Mesquite Bay Reefs | December 1, 2022 | 2225 | CBBEP-158 |
Nueces Delta Environmental Monitoring Project | August 1, 2022 | 2211 | CBBEP-157 |
Nutrient Sampling in Petronila Creek | August 1, 2022 | 2233 | CBBEP-156 |
Benchmarking Community Structure of Estuarine Dependent Nekton Near the Aransas Pass Inlet | April 1, 2022 | 2115 | CBBEP-154 |
Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Bend Bays | December 1, 2021 | 2120 | CBBEP-153 |
Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-February 2021 Data | May 1, 2021 | 2013 | CBBEP-152 |
Nutrient Sampling in Petronila Creek | August 31, 2021 | 2133 | CBBEP-151 |
Mapping Distribution and Chemical Levels of Nurdles in the Coastal Bend | August 31, 2021 | 2121 | CBBEP-150 |
Water Quality Status and Trends in Bays of the Texas Coastal Bend | August 31,2021 | 2113 | CBBEP-149 |
Nueces Delta Environmental Monitoring Project | August 31,2021 | 2111 | CBBEP-148 |
Outreach to Wastewater Treatment Plants in Baffin Basin | August 31,2021 | 2103 | CBBEP-147 |
Early Phase Watershed Planning for Baffin Bay | June 1, 2021 | 2025 | CBBEP-146 |
Assessment of Organic Pollutants in Nueces Bay's Petroleum Brine Impacted Sediments | June 1, 2021 | 1910 | CBBEP-145 |
Quantifying Septic Effluent Nitrogen Loading and Processing in the Baffin Bay Watershed | April 1, 2021 | 2005 | CBBEP-144 |
Nutrient Sampling in Petronila Creek | January 1, 2021 | 2003 | CBBEP-143 |
Coastal Bend Bays Plan, 2nd Ed. | December 1, 2020 | 1627 | CBBEP-142 |
Coastal Bend Environmental Indicators Report 2020 | December 1, 2020 | 2142 | CBBEP-141 |
Nueces Delta Environmental Monitoring Project | August 1, 2020 | 2011 | CBBEP-140 |
Habitat Changes Associated with Mangrove Expansion in Coastal Marsh Systems | December 1, 2019 | 1821 | CBBEP-139 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-December 2019 Data | March 1, 2020 | 1913 | CBBEP-138 |
Mapping Potential Habitat Restoration Sites to Restore Hydrologic Connectivity | December 9, 2019 | 1918 | CBBEP-137 |
Oyster Flood Tracker Project: Reconstructing Inflows to Reefs and Effects on Vibrio vulnificus andPerkinsus marinus Abundance | August 1, 2019 | 1920 | CBBEP-136 |
Assessment of Baffin Bay Serpulid Reef Communities as Critical Habitat for Black Drum Prey Resources | August 1, 2019 | 1922 | CBBEP-135 |
Texas Coastal Bend Live Oak – Red Bay Community Conservation Plan | June 1, 2019 | 1820 | CBBEP-134 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2019 | August 1, 2019 | 1911 | CBBEP-133 |
Riparian Evaluation for Baffin Bay Tributaries | August 1, 2019 | 1907 | CBBEP-132 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-January 2019 Data | March 1, 2019 | 1813 | CBBEP-131 |
Investigating Reactive Nitrogen Sources that Stimulate Algal Blooms in Baffin Bay | February 1, 2019 | 1818 | CBBEP-129 |
A Long-Term Seagrass Monitoring Program for Corpus Christi Bay and Upper Laguna Madre | January 1, 2019 | 1826 | CBBEP-130 |
Management Strategies for the Rincon Bayou Pipeline | January 1, 2019 | 1817 | CBBEP-128 |
A Bacterial Source Tracking Project to Identify Sources of Fecal Pollution at Little Bay: May 2018-January 2019 | January 1, 2019 | 1816 | CBBEP-127 |
Ocean and Coastal Acidification Monitoring | November 1, 2018 | 1605 | CBBEP-122 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2018 | August 1, 2018 | 1811 | CBBEP-126 |
Quantifying Plastic Debris Loading and Accumulation in Corpus Christi Bay to Improve Stakeholder Awareness | August 1, 2018 | 1703 | CBBEP-125 |
A Bacterial Source Tracking Project to Identify Sources of Fecal Pollution at Cole and Ropes Parks: May 2017-May 2018 | June 1, 2018 | 1705 | CBBEP-124 |
A Long-Term Seagrass Monitoring Program for Corpus Christi Bay and Upper Laguna Madre | June 1, 2018 | 1610 | CBBEP-121 |
Mechanistic Modeling of Bottom Water Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Baffin Bay | March 1, 2018 | 1729 | CBBEP-123 |
An Ecosystem-based Approach to Assess Baffin Bay’s Black Drum in Different Hydrological Conditions | February 1, 2018 | 1726 | CBBEP-118 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-October 2017 Data | January 1, 2018 | 1713 | CBBEP-120 |
Physiological Stress and Genetic Differences in Diamondback Terrapin in the Coastal Bend | January 1, 2018 | 1620 | CBBEP-119 |
Identifying Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Habitat in the Mission-Aransas Estuary 2017 | September 1, 2017 | 1720 | CBBEP-117 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2017 | August 1, 2017 | 1711 | CBBEP-116 |
Baffin Bay Environmental Monitoring Project: March 2016-March 2017 | July 1, 2017 | 1615 | CBBEP-115 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-July 2016 Data | October 1, 2016 | 1613 | CBBEP-113 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2016 | August 1, 2016 | 1611 | CBBEP-112 |
Effects on Benthic Macrofauna from Pumped Flows to Rincon Bayou | August 1, 2016 | 1617 | CBBEP-111 |
Baffin Bay Sediment Core Profiling for Historical Water Quality | April 1, 2016 | 1514 | CBBEP-109 |
Nueces Bay Marsh Restoration – Post Construction Assessment | March 1, 2016 | 1622 | CBBEP-108 |
Texas Coastal Bend Regional Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | March 1, 2016 | 1512 | CBBEP-107 |
Winter Range Whooping Crane Strategic Plan | January 1, 2016 | 1522 | CBBEP-106 |
A Long-term Seagrass Monitoring Program for Corpus Christi Bay and Upper Laguna Madre | January 1, 2016 | 1510 | CBBEP-105 |
Ecosystem-Based Approach to Assess Black Drum in Baffin Bay | December 1, 2015 | 1523 | CBBEP-104 |
Identifying Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Habitat in the Nueces Estuary, Texas | October 1, 2015 | 1527 | CBBEP-103 |
Effects on Benthic Macrofauna from Pumped Flows in Rincon Bayou | August 1, 2015 | 1517 | CBBEP-110 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2015 | August 1, 2015 | 1511 | CBBEP-102 |
Effects of Pumped Flows into Rincon Bayou on Water Quality and Benthic Macrofauna | August 1, 2015 | 1417 | CBBEP-101 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study: Synthesis of May 2013-July 2015 Data | August 1, 2015 | 1513 | CBBEP-100 |
A Long-term Seagrass Monitoring Program for the Upper Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay | January 1, 2015 | 1429 | CBBEP-099 |
Ecosystem Based Approach to Assess Black Drum | January 1, 2015 | 1421 | CBBEP-098 |
San Antonio Bay Rookery Island Management Plan | January 1, 2015 | 1403 | CBBEP-097 |
Protecting Important Shorebird Habitat using Piping Plovers as an Indicator Species | September 1, 2014 | | CBBEP-096 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into the Rincon Bayou: 2009 to 2014 | August 7, 2014 | 1411 | CBBEP-094 |
Salinity Monitoring and Real Time (SMART) Inflow Management in the Nueces Bay and Delta | August 4, 2014 | 1412 | CBBEP-093 |
Baffin Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Study Synthesis of May 2013 July 2014 Data | August 1, 2014 | 1413 | CBBEP-095 |
Diamondback Terrapin Paired Crab Trap Study in Mission Aransas Estuary TX | July 1, 2014 | 1335 | CBBEP-092 |
Assessment of Nutrient and Organic Matter Sources to Oso Bay (Corpus Christi, Texas) | June 1, 2014 | 1312 | CBBEP-114 |
Nueces Bay Zinc in Sediment Profiling Assessment | January 1, 2014 | 1313 | CBBEP-091 |
Habitat Conservation and Coastal Public Access Plan for the San Antonio Bay System | January 1, 2014 | 1224 | CBBEP-090 |
Informing Conservation and Resiliency Planning Using Sea-level Rise and Storm-surge Scenario Impact Estimates in Corpus Christi Bay | December 18, 2013 | 1306 | CBBEP-088 |
Diamondback Terrapin Paired Crab Trap Study in the Nueces Estuary, Texas | October 1, 2013 | 1329 | CBBEP-087 |
Plover and Least Tern Nest Monitoring and Disturbance Comparisons between Three Coastal Sites in Texas | August 1, 2013 | | CBBEP-089 |
Nueces Delta Salinity Effects from Pumping Freshwater into Rincon Bayou 2009 to 2013 | August 6, 2013 | 1311 | CBBEP-085 |
ADCIRC Based Storm Surge Analysis of Sea Level Rise in the Corpus Christi Bay Area in Texas | July 1, 2013 | 1306 | CBBEP-086 |
Nueces Delta Restoration Study | December 1, 2012 | 1001 | CBBEP-084 |
Nueces BBASC Work Plan for Adaptive Management | November 1, 2012 | | |
Habitat Atlas | August 1, 2012 | 1227 | CBBEP-083 |
Spatial Effects of Rincon Bayou Pipeline Freshwater Inflows on Salinity in the Lower Nueces Delta, Texas | August 1, 2012 | 1202 | CBBEP-081 |
Water and Sediment Quality Status and Trends in the Coastal Bend Area – Phase 2: Data Analysis | August 1, 2012 | 1206 | CBBEP-078 |
Nueces BBASC Environmental Flows Standards and Strategies Recommendation Report | August 22, 2012 | | |
Assessment of Seagrass Habitat Quality and Plant Physiological Conditions in South Texas Waters | July 1, 2012 | 1201 | CBBEP-080 |
Indian Point Shoreline Protection Feasibility Study | June 1, 2012 | 1115 | CBBEP-079 |
Water and Sediment Quality Status and Trends in the Coastal Bend Area – Phase 1: Data Archiving and Publishing | May 1, 2012 | 1105 | CBBEP-077 |
Effects of Rincon Bayou Pipeline Inflows on Salinity Structure within the Nueces Delta, Texas | November 1, 2011 | 1106 | CBBEP-076 |
Modeling Hydrodynamic Fluxes in the Nueces River Delta | October 1, 2011 | 1001 | CBBEP-075 |
Nueces BBEST Environmental Flows Recommendation Report | October 1, 2011 | | |
Preliminary Inventory of Conservation, Restoration, and Protection Sites: San Antonio Bay System | August 1, 2011 | 1109 | CBBEP-074 |
Nueces Estuary Ecosystem Management Initiative | June 1, 2011 | 1018 | CBBEP-072 |
Little Bay Water Quality Characterization | March 1, 2011 | 0922 | CBBEP-070 |
Contaminant Level of Fishes in Several Coastal Bend Estuaries: Screening Investigation | February 1, 2011 | 1012 | CBBEP-069 |
Oso Watershed Characterization – Groundwater Monitoring | January 1, 2011 | 0541 | CBBEP-068 |
Bacteria Monitoring and Source Tracking in Corpus Christi Bay at Cole and Ropes Parks | November 1, 2010 | 1010 | CBBEP-067 |
Rincon Bayou Salinity Monitoring Project | September 1, 2010 | 0921 | CBBEP-066 |
Estuarine Wetland Habitat Transition Induced by Relative Sea-Level Rise on Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas: Phase 1 | July 1, 2010 | 0822 | CBBEP-064 |
Environmental Indicator Report | April 1, 2010 | | |
Portland Causeway Marsh Restoration – Preconstruction Assessment | March 1, 2010 | 0929 | CBBEP-063 |
Response of the Nueces Estuarine Marsh System to Freshwater Inflow: An Integrative Data Synthesis of Baseline Conditions for Faunal Communities | July 1, 2009 | 0821 | CBBEP-062 |
Oso Creek Bacteria Contamination Investigation | July 1, 2009 | 0816 | CBBEP-061 |
Evaluation of Baffin Bay Arroyos as Critical Habitat for Fisheries Species | May 1, 2009 | 0819 | CBBEP-060 |
Causes and Monitoring of Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay | May 1, 2009 | 0817 | CBBEP-059 |
Packery Channel Post-Opening Fisheries Recruitment Assessment – Plankton | March 1, 2009 | 0721 | CBBEP-058 |
Observation Data Model (ODM) For Rincon Bayou, Nueces Delta | January 1, 2009 | 0818 | CBBEP-071 |
Packery Channel Post-Opening Fisheries Recruitment Assessment – Nekton | December 1, 2008 | 0720 | CBBEP-057 |
Bacteria Source Tracking on the Mission and Aransas Rivers | December 1, 2008 | 0630 | CBBEP-056 |
Status and Trends of Inland Wetland and Aquatic Habitats in the Corpus Christi Area | March 1, 2008 | 0722 | CBBEP-055 |
Atmospheric Deposition Study | March 6, 2008 | 0308 | CBBEP-038 |
Landscape Monitoring and Biological Indicators for Seagrass Conservation in Texas Coastal Waters | December 1, 2007 | 0627 | CBBEP-073 |
Hydrologic Conditions of Rainfall and Storm Runoff in Agricultural Areas of Oso Bay Watershed | July 1, 2005 | 0539 | |
RCAP 2004 | October 1, 2006 | 0420 | CBBEP-053 |
The Effect of an Opened Packery Channel on Fisheries Recruitment in the Upper Laguna Madre (Plankton) | August 18, 2006 | 0534 | CBBEP-045 |
The Effect of an Opened Packery Channel on Fisheries Recruitment in the Upper Laguna Madre (Nekton) | August 17, 2006 | 0533 | CBBEP-044 |
Fisheries Status and Trends Report | March 1, 2006 | 0504 | CBBEP-043 |
Status and Trends of Wetland and Aquatic Habitats on Texas Barrier Islands Coastal Bend | March 1, 2006 | | |
Nueces Bay Zinc Contamination Source Study | December 1, 2005 | 0402 | CBBEP-047 |
RCAP 2003 | November 1, 2005 | 0309 | CBBEP-052 |
RCAP 2002 | September 1, 2005 | 0202 | CBBEP-051 |
Nueces Bay Fish and Shellfish Contaminants Study | August 1, 2005 | 0403 | CBBEP-048 |
Spring 2004 Ichthyoplankton Recruitment to the Delta Nursery Areas of Nueces Bay, Texas | August 1, 2005 | 0406 | CBBEP-042 |
Bacteria Source Tracking in Copano Bay | June 30, 2005 | 0404 | CBBEP-046 |
Regional Coastal Assessment Program 2000-2001 (RCAP) | November 1, 2004 | 0109 | CBBEP-050 |
Spring 2003 Ichthyoplankton Recruitment to the Delta Nursery Areas of Nueces Bay, Texas | August 1, 2004 | 0310 | CBBEP-041 |
Monitoring Hypoxia Conditions in Corpus Christi Bay – 2003 | January 9, 2004 | 0320 | CBBEP-039 |
Identify Potential Habitat Restoration & Enhancement Sites | October 1, 2003 | 0319 | CBBEP-049 |
Spring 2002 Ichthyoplankton Recruitment to the Delta Nursery Areas of Nueces Bay, Texas | August 1, 2003 | 0203 | CBBEP-040 |
Bay Shrimping in the Coastal Bend – A Summary of Current Conditions | July 1, 2003 | 0106 | CBBEP-037 |
Riparian Habitat Corridor Characterization In The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Area – CD Available – E-mail [email protected] | September 1, 2002 | | CBBEP-036 |
NEAC Rincon Bayou Monitoring Plan – 28 pages | July 3, 2002 | | |
GIS Database of Hypoxia (Low Oxygen), Conditions in Corpus Christi Bay, Volume 1 Technical Report – 61 pages | March 31, 2002 | | |
Microbiological Monitoring and Assessment of Storm Drain Runoff within the CBBEP Project Area | September 1, 2001 | | CCBNEP-035 |
Assessment of Surface Runoff Water Quality from Agricultural Croplands in the Odem Watershed | February 1, 2000 | | CCBNEP-034 |
Analysis of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Runoff to Baffin Bay and its Possible Effect on the Brown Tide Phytoplankton Bloom | August 1, 1999 | | |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton Blooms in the CCBNEP Study Area Part 2: Appendices | September 3, 1998 | | CCBNEP-032 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton Blooms in the CCBNEP Study Area Part 1: Sediment Quality Assessment | September 2, 1998 | | CCBNEP-032 |
Evaluation of Bycatch Reduction Devices in Aransas Bay During the 1997 Spring and Fall Commercial Bay Shrimp Season – 33 pages | August 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-033 |
Regional Monitoring System | August 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-028 |
Public Access Plan | July 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-031 |
Current Status and Trends of Selected Estuarine and Coastal Habitats within the CCBNEP Study Area | July 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-029 |
Analysis of Point Source Discharges (including oil field brine discharges) in the CCBNEP Study Area – 50 pages | June 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-030 |
Total Loads and Water Quality in the Corpus Christi Bay System – 147 pages | June 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-027 |
Characterization of Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbance on Vegetated and Unvegetated Bay Bottom Habitats: Part 3: Volume II – Assessment of Scarring In Seagrass Beds (continued) – 8 pages | May 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-025 |
Characterization of Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbance on Vegetated and Unvegetated Bay Bottom Habitats: Part 2: Volume II – Assessment of Scarring In Seagrass Beds – 21 pages | May 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-025 |
Characterization of Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbance on Vegetated and Unvegetated Bay Bottom Habitats: Part 1: Volume I – Literature Review – 108 pages | May 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-025 |
Identification of Tidal Flat Alterations and Detemination of Effects on Biological productivity and Functioning of These Habitats – 210 pages | May 1, 1998 | | CCBNEP-026 |
Seagrass! A Cornerstone of Bay Productivity – 4 pages | January 1, 1998 | | |
Status and Trends of Selected Marine Fauna in the CCBNEP Study Area – 366 pages | December 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-024 |
CCBNEP Study of On-Site Sewage Facilities – 116 pages | December 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-022 |
Ambient Water, Sediment, and Tissue Quality of the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 4 | November 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-023 |
Ambient Water, Sediment, and Tissue Quality of the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 3 | November 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-023 |
Ambient Water, Sediment, and Tissue Quality of the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 2 | November 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-023 |
Ambient Water, Sediment, and Tissue Quality of the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 1 | November 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-023 |
Processes and Trends of Circulation within the CCBNEP Study Area | November 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-021 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Seagrass in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 3: Figures (continued) – 37 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-020 |
Effects of Structures and Practices on the Circulation and Salinity Patterns of the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area: Part 3: Case Studies (continued) and Conclusion – 53 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-019 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Seagrass in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 2: Figures – 36 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-020 |
Effects of Structures and Practices on the Circulation and Salinity Patterns of the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area: Part 2: Model Calibration (continued) and Case Studies – 48 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-019 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Seagrass in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 1: Status and Trends of Seagrass – 60 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-020 |
Effects of Structures and Practices on the Circulation and Salinity Patterns of the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area: Part 1: TxBlend Model and Model Calibration – 70 pages | October 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-019 |
Selected Recreational Values of the CCBNEP Study Area – 67 pages | September 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-018 |
Status, Trends, and changes in Freshwater Inflows to Bay Systems in the CCBNEP Study Area – 48 pages | September 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-017 |
Economic Impacts on Regional and State Economies of Human Uses of the Coastal Resources of the CCBNEP Study Area – 62 pages | August 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-016 |
Potential Sites for Wetland Restoration, Enhancement, and Creation: Corpus Christi/Nueces Bay Area – 170 pages | July 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-015 |
Fiscal Year 1998 Annual Work Plan – Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | June 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-014 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Ambient Water, Sediment, Fish and Shellfish Tissue Quality in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 5: Controls and Correlates (continued) and Conclusions and Recommendations – 59 pages | March 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-013 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Ambient Water, Sediment, Fish and Shellfish Tissue Quality in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 4: Water and Sediment Quality (continued) and Controls and Correlates – 48 pages | March 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-013 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Ambient Water, Sediment, Fish and Shellfish Tissue Quality in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 3: Water and Sediment Quality of CC Bay– 56 pages | March 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-013 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Ambient Water, Sediment, Fish and Shellfish Tissue Quality in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 2: Data Sets and Data Processing– 99 pages | March 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-013 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Ambient Water, Sediment, Fish and Shellfish Tissue Quality in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 1: Introduction – 25 pages | March 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-013 |
Current Status and Historical Trends in the Incidence of Marine/Bay Debris in the CCBNEP Study Area | January 1, 1997 | | CCBNEP-012 |
Investigation of Selected Public Health Issues in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 5: Appendix C– 12 pages | November 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-011 |
Investigation of Selected Public Health Issues in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 4: Appendix B – 30 pages | November 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-011 |
Investigation of Selected Public Health Issues in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 3: Appendix A – 12 pages | November 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-011 |
Investigation of Selected Public Health Issues in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 2: Coliform Bacteria Data Analysis, Seafood Tissue Analysis, Disease Incidents, Injuries and Accidents in Water Activities, Analysis and Discussion, and References – 81 pages | November 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-011 |
Investigation of Selected Public Health Issues in the CCBNEP Study Area: Part 1: Data Sources and Procedures and Review of Shellfish Harvesting – 40 | November 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-011 |
Fiscal Year 1997 Annual Work Plan – Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | February 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-010 |
An Inventory and Analysis of Bay Management Structure for the CCBNEP Study Area – 219 pages | February 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-009 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area -Volume 2 (avian resources):Part 3: Appendix II (continued) – 150 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006B |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area -Volume 2 (avian resources):Part 2: Appendix II – 150 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006B |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area – Volume 1:Part 3: Target Organisms – 138 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006A |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton Blooms in the CCBNEP Study Area:Part 2: Red Tide – 109 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-007 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area – Volume 1:Part 2: Living Resources- Habitats – 361 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006A |
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton Blooms in the CCBNEP Study Area:Part 1: Brown Tide – 70 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-007 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area -Volume 2 (avian resources):Part 1: Current Status and Historical Trends of The Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area and Appendix I–119 | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006B |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area – Volume 1:Part 1: Living Resources- Species Checklist – 45 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006A |
A Conceptual Ecosystem Model of the CCBNEP Study Area – 125 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-008 |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area -Volume 4 (checklist of species) – 312 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006D |
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the CCBNEP Study Area -Volume 3 (project summary) – 139 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-006C |
Characterization of Nonpoint Sources and Loadings to the CCBNEP Study Area – 239 pages | January 1, 1996 | | CCBNEP-005 |
Fiscal Year 1996 Annual Work Plan - Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | October 1, 1995 | | CCBNEP-004 |
All Conference Workshop – Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | February 1, 1995 | | CCBNEP-003 |
Fiscal Year 1995 Annual Work Plan – Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | August 1, 1994 | | CCBNEP-002 |
Management Conference Agreement – Hard Copy Available – E-mail [email protected] | June 1, 1994 | | CCBNEP-001 |
Texas Shores: “Recognizing Corpus Christi Bay” – 18 pages | March 1, 1994 | | |
Species Richness, Relative Abundance and Habitat Associations of Nocturnal Birds along the Rio Grande in Southern Texas – 7 pages | September 1, 2009 | | |
Prehistoric and Early Historic People and Environment in the Corpus Christi Bay Area – 12 pages | January 1, 1970 | | |
Coastal Bend Bays Plan 1998 | August 1, 1998 | | |